KPUP 6.2 (Week 6, Workout 2)

A nice easy day on the hands today!

20 min EMOM (3 rounds):
min 1 • 30-45sec x Strict Bar Hanging Hollow to Arch ▶️ 🎥
min 2 • 30-45sec x Child Pose on Box ▶️ 🎥
min 3 • 30-45sec x Superman Hold ▶️ 🎥
min 4 • 25sec x Prone Thoracic Rotations (Left) + 25sec x (Right) ▶️ 🎥
min 5 • 30-45sec Banded Straight Arm Lat Pulldown ▶️ 🎥
min 6 • 1 min MAX x Hollow Body Rocks ▶️ 🎥
Go the entire minute!! Rest where needed.
min 7 • Rest / walk

Short on time? Do 2 rounds instead of 3.

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