SPUS 4.1 (Week 4, Workout 1)


We are at the halfway week already (Say WHAAAT?) Today we are continuing our progression through our controlled negatives. Watch the tempo and focus on the positions!

WOD 4.1

3 sets:
10x Banded Face Pull @1111 ▶️ 🎥
10x Banded Straight Arm Lat Pulldown @1111 ▶️ 🎥
10x Pronated Ring Row @1111 ▶️


10 min EMOM:
EVEN: 2-3x Pronated Pull-up Negative @51A1 ▶️ 🎥
ODD: 5x Supinated Grip Ring Row @4011 ▶️


How are those negatives feeling? Getting any easier yet?
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